
We have a vacancy in our Compliance & Business Services team for a highly motivated Accountant to join our firm. If you are a degree-qualified accountant working towards CA or CPA with public accounting experience, this is your chance to work close to home and enjoy the benefits of working for this established, forward thinking accounting firm. Interested?

We have a vacancy in our Compliance & Business Services team for a highly motivated Accountant to join our firm. If you are a degree-qualified accountant working towards CA or CPA with public accounting experience, this is your chance to work close to home and enjoy the benefits of working for this established, forward thinking accounting firm. Interested?  

The 2022-23 Federal Budget is aimed at moving business into the digital era with both carrots and sticks in the budget. In this overview we examine what the impact of the Federal Budget will have on individuals and businesses...

Part of the joy at working at a professional accounting firm is the opportunity to celebrate our clients' successes. Recently one of our clients, Monkami - a disability support organisation shared with us the fantastic news that their CEO, Jillian Christie was named Champion Winner in the Victorian COVIDSafe Business Awards, an outstanding achievement for a disabilty service organisation and the only one to be assessed as finalist by the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry... 

We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced Administration Officer to join our professional accounting firm in Eltham. The Administration Officer role is permanent part-time working 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday and forms part of our Administration team, providing support to our close-knit and collaborative team of like-minded individuals... 

With the upheaval experienced to all aspects of our lives due to the Covid pandemic, it is not surprising many people are questioning their career choices and considering major changes. As a result, we are expecting to see a surge in business start-ups in 2022. New business owners often focus on the product or service offering, financial aspects or other mechanics of start-up whilst neglecting their marketing plan, instead of making it a priority…


In part one and two of this series of articles we identified the fact that there is no secret formula or magic potion that guarantees financial success in business, however, there are some key ingredients that successful businesses have in common.  In part three we look at the importance of building a great team, having a lead generation website (including video content) and building a customer database...   

Wishing all our clients and their families the very best for the Festive Season and a safe & happy 2022. Please note we will be closed from 5pm Thursday 23rd December and re-opening 8.30am Monday 10th January 2022. In the meantime, and in case you missed it, check out our latest Business Accelerator Magazine, full of articles and news about growing and nurturing your business. This edition includes our second article in a series on What are the Key Ingredients for a Successful Business? As well as articles on the ATOs new Stapled Super Fund rules, an examination of why start-ups fail and info on the rules around the newly introduced Company Director ID Number…

Most people for one reason or another contemplate starting their own business. While there’s no magic potion or secret formula that guarantees business success, highly successful businesses have some common characteristics that we will explore across a series of articles. In this instalment, we look at the importance of marketing and systemisation...

Are you a Company Director? The new Director ID regime is now law and existing company directors have until 30 November 2022 to apply but new directors appointed as of 1st Nov 2021 have just 28 days from appointment to apply and directors appointed 5th April 2022 onwards must apply prior to appointment...

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the way we live, work and play. While the pandemic has posed a threat to lives and livelihoods, there’s clear evidence that people have struggled to balance the hybrid work model particularly when combined with home schooling duties. After 18 months of uncertainty people are doing a lot of soul-searching and a chunk of the population are re-evaluating various parts of their lives including their employment and some are considering self-employment. In this article we examine the perils and pitfalls of going out on your own, and importantly, how to avoid them...

It's an emotional moment when you finally make the decision that it's time to sell your business. All those long hours, customer dramas and financial risks will loom large in your mind, but the buyer isn't interested in how much work you've put into your 'baby', they want to see financial proof that the asking price is justified....

Don’t miss our latest edition of the quarterly Business Accelerator Magazine, full of articles and news about growing and nurturing your business. This edition includes the first part in our series on The Key Ingredients of Business Success as well as looking at whether COVID-19 Grants are taxable and the ATO’s data-matching programme targeting lifestyle assets…

Most people at some stage of their lives, for one reason or another, contemplate starting their own business. While there’s no magic potion or secret formula that guarantees business success, highly successful businesses have some common characteristics that we will explore across a series of articles...

The State and Federal Governments have provided business owners with a range of grants and subsidies through the pandemic including the Cashflow Boost, COVID-19 Disaster Payments and JobKeeper. While you might think all government support is tax free, this is not the case...

The Victorian Government has announced the reintroduction of the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme. Businesses with an annual turnover of less than $50 million and who have experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the pandemic will be eligible as well as most ACNC registered charities that have experienced a decline in turnover of 15% or more…

Australian businesses are again feeling the pinch financially as the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold. Businesses along the east coast particularly are in a state of uncertainty. As a result the Federal Government has expanded the range of financial support available... 

Attention all Company Directors - The Government has introduced a Director Identification Number (DIN) to provide greater transparency around the background of company directors and combat illegal phoenixing leaving creditors unable to recover debts...

Victorian Business Costs Assistance Program (Round Two) - with the snap lockdown commencing Thursday 27th May the Victorian State Government has announced Round Two of the Business Costs Assistance program which opened for applications today (Friday 4th June) and the Commonwealth Government has announced a Temporary COVID Disaster Payment for employees...

As we approach the end of the 2021 financial year, tax planning has never been more important and as accountants, we believe our client brief includes helping you minimise your tax liability within the framework of the Australian taxation system. Business planning is always challenging but planning with a pandemic in the background is incredibly difficult given the uncertainty, so for many businesses, the number one priority right now is cash flow...

The Treasurer Josh Frydenberg released the Federal Budget on Tuesday May 11 and the focus is on recovery and investment to support job creation to drive economic growth. In this article we examine the main changes proposed around personal and business taxation as well as superannuation…

In this fourth edition of our Recession Buster Newsletter we continue to examine the 4 Ways to Grow Your Business, specifically the 4th way – Improving Your System & Processes. In other articles we explore the importance of having a website. Other articles include the 3rd part of Ways to Turn Your Website into a Lead Generation Machine - this particular article looking at the importance of a good headline, Live Chat function, Social Proof (Testimonials) & Social Media Links - and finally we look at mining your customer database for gold...

If you have a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) you are responsible for ensuring it is in compliance of regulations, including an annual audit by a registered SMSF auditor. BHT Partners (Audit) Pty Ltd can assist you with its independent SMSF Audit Services...

There is an old saying, ‘The most fertile source of insight is hindsight’. That being the case, what can business owners learn from the COVID-19 pandemic? 

Victoria's business community has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and with the recent circuit breaker lockdown further impacting Victoria, the State Government has announced a further $143 million package to support impacted businesses... 

In this third edition of our Recession Buster Newsletter we continue to examine the 4 Ways to Grow Your Business, specifically the 3rd way - Increasing the Average Sale Value. In other articles we explore the importance of measuring, monitoring & testing your business, Other articles include the 2nd part of ways to turn your website into a lead generation machine - this particular article looking at the importance of Lead Magnets & Calls to Action - and finally we examine the importance of goal setting and future planning...

The JobMaker Hiring Credit system announced in the 2020-21 Federal Budget has now passed into law and if your business is eligible and you hired additional younger employees from 7th October onwards, you can now claim the credit (quarterly in arrears) from the ATO from 1 February 2021…

With the media flooding us with COVID-19 information and governments around the world using vocabulary that is normally reserved for war time we know we are living in unprecedented times. Historically, business start-ups tend to surge when there are high levels of unemployment and middle management lose their jobs. Amongst all the uncertainty, is it the right time to start a business?

As businesses reopen, we are being confronted with a new ‘normal’. More people are now working from home and increasingly, staff and customer meetings are being conducted online rather than face to face.  In the second edition we explore the 4 Ways to Grow a Business with a focus on the second way - How to Get Your Customers to Buy More Often. In other articles we look at how to turn your ‘electronic brochure’ style website into a lead generation machine and how to convert those leads into sales. Finally, we look at the importance of giving your customers a guarantee... 

The COVID-19 pandemic not only triggered a global health crisis, it also plunged Australia into recession for the first time in three decades. As such, a lot of business owners are in unfamiliar territory and we are here to help you navigate your way through this extraordinary and challenging period...

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg presented his second budget on October 6 in what was described as the, "most important budget since World War II". As expected, there is massive expenditure to reboot and stimulate the economy after the economic devastation brought on by the coronavirus pandemic...

As business owners, we need to learn from experience because history has a habit of repeating itself. Going forward we need to have a contingency plan in the event there is another virus outbreak or some other catastrophe …

The Government’s Stimulus Packages have given thousands of businesses a lifeline during the Coronavirus crisis. Unfortunately, with many businesses back in lockdown in Victoria, some businesses just won’t survive this time around. As accountants, our mission is to ensure you survive but if all avenues have been exhausted and it’s the end of the road, there are a number of things that need to happen to wind a business up…

The ATO has announced a rise in the cents per kilometre deduction rate for motor vehicle expenses for the 2020/21 financial year. Effective from July 1, 2020 it will be 72 cents per kilometre. The tax office is expecting to see a drop in work-related car expenses claims due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions in the last quarter of the 2019/20 financial year ... 

The Government's JobKeeper Payment Scheme extension (JobKeeper extension) was announced on 21 July and will extend the scheme until 28 March 2021. The eligibility criteria has also changed. The purpose of this article is to help you make a quick assessment of your eligibility   

Businesses have been forced back into lockdown, for some maybe for the first time under the current stage 4 restrictions in Victoria and one thing has become clear, it’s no longer ‘business as usual’. The world as we know it has changed and we have been forced to rethink our daily routines, spending habits, exercise regimes and social interactions. Many businesses will be in dire circumstances, but is this the time to be trimming your marketing, or just the opposite?

The coronavirus has been labelled the biggest global crisis for three generations. The economy came down 50 floors in the ‘elevator’ and it     will be much slower and harder going back up via the staircase. To help your business survive and prepare for the period of regrowth we have put together this list of items to consider

As part of the Government’s response to the coronavirus and it’s financial impact on individuals there is a temporary opportunity for individuals to withdraw up to $10,000 from their superannuation funds before June 30  

As the end of what has been the most extraordinary financial year approaches, we have created a Tax Planning Guide highlighting some end of year tax planning opportunities to help you minimise tax and take action on any items required pre June 30.

American business magnate, Warren Buffet said, “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.”  When the economy is booming, we tend not to worry about our level of debt or expenditure on non-essential items. As the shock of the coronavirus wears off, it’s time to move into the planning phase and develop a clear strategy. The following checklist serves as a useful action plan ...  

The coronavirus has been labelled the biggest global crisis for three generations. The economy came down 50 floors in the ‘elevator’ and it will be much slower and harder going back up via the staircase. To help your business survive and prepare for the period of regrowth we have put together this list of items to consider.     

Pivoting is something business owners normally do when they sense the business needs a change of direction. The COVID-19 pandemic's arrival with little or no warning has caused most Australian businesses, both big and small, to effectively go into hibernation. The question is, could your business benefit from pivoting in the current environment?   .

The coronavirus has been labelled the biggest global crisis for three generations and has stopped the economy in its tracks. Thousands of businesses have gone into hibernation and self-isolation rules have changed the way we live. Business owners face never seen before challenges and to help navigate your way we provide a checklist and other resources to help our clients  

The Government have announced a ‘Job Keeper’ Program that provides wage subsidy payments to Australian businesses who have seen their turnover reduce significantly as a result of the coronavirus. Registered employers will receive a flat $1,500 each fortnight for each eligible employee, including those that have been stood down or recently rehired.

Our clients are looking for help as the COVID-19 pandemic tracks towards being the greatest social upheaval the world has seen since World War II. The updates and announcements are coming at a breakneck speed. With some industries more severely impacted than others the question is 'What to do next?' In response, we have put together this action plan checklist   

Business owners are facing unprecedented challenges with uncertainty surrounding the COVID 19 (coronavirus) outbreak. The pandemic will eventually pass but the big question is, when and what can you do to minimise the damage?  

In light of the recent health warnings from the Australian Government and World Health Organisation, we would like to share with you what we are doing to assist with managing the impact of coronavirus and social distancing measures on our clients and team members   

The Federal and State Governments have announced a range of relief benefits for small businesses impacted by the recent catastrophic bushfires. Ranging from grant funding, concessional loans, financial support and other measures such as Land Tax relief in effected areas  

Happy New Year. It’s the start of a new decade. Is this the time for you to finally make that big change and buy that business you’ve been thinking about? Let’s examine the Five Phases of Buying a Business  

Christmas time can be a make or break period for some types of businesses, retailers, accommodation, wholesalers & the information and communication sectors for example experience their peak sales at this time. For other industries this can be an especially tough time of the year with many business owners experiencing low demand, staff absences and supply disruptions...

Have you fallen behind on your Superannation Guarantee obligations? Legislation enabling the Superannuation Guarantee amnesty that was proposed back in May 2018 is before Parliament right now and if enacted, will apply from the original amnesty announcement ...

There has been a number of high-profile businesses in the media recently for the wrong reason. How can this happen and how can you make sure you don't join this "Rogue's Gallery"?   

Businesses fail for a multitude of reasons. Lack of sales and cash flow, inadequate capital and failing to adapt to change can all contribute to the collapse of a business. Let's explore some of the major reasons why business start-ups fail.   

Consumer behaviour has changed and your website is now your marketing hub. In this article we look at three key website issues that confront most business owners - not enough website traffic, poor conversion of leads to sales and a lack of strategy…

We know we can’t please all of the people all of the time but with 72% of consumers reporting trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations it can feel really damaging to receive a poor online review. Despite your instinct to try and get it deleted there are other courses of action open to you.  

With the end of financial year now behind us let’s look at a couple of things to address to tidy up last financial year and plan for 2019/20.  Namely - Single Touch Payroll and the Immediate Asset Write-Off Change

The Tax Office has introduced a Whistle Blower Hotline encouraging people to 'dob in' business owners they suspect are operating in the black economy. The Hot Line went live on the 1st July 2019.   

Creating wealth through an investment property is a well-established practice in Australia. Of the approximate 9 million residential dwellings in this country, almost 25% are rental properties. Read on for our renovation tax tips  

Don’t miss our latest newsletter which is stuffed full of articles on:-

  • End of Financial Year Tax Planning
  • The Federal Budget Round Up
  • Buyer Beware! – Before You Buy a Business
  • Thinking of Renovating Your Investment Property?
  • The Importance of Local Search for Small Business Owners
  • ATO to visit 1,800 Businesses in a Black Economy Blitz
And don’t forget, Single Touch Payroll becomes mandatory for all Australian employers from today – watch our short webinar in our previous blog post to bring you up to speed….

The end of another financial year is fast approaching. Our 2019 Tax Planning Guide for the end of  the 2018/19 financial year highlights some end of year tax planning opportunities which you may wish to consider before June 30, 2019. 

Welcome to our Webinar on Single Touch Payroll.

In this recorded webinar we outline what every employer needs to know about the introduction of Single Touch Payroll in Australia.

Starting a new business seems a daunting task. But take our advice, don’t be scared – be prepared. Here’s some guidelines in what you need to do when it comes time to let people know your new business exists.  

The country’s most prestigious garden awards were announced at the recent Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show, the southern hemisphere’s largest garden and floral event. One of our clients, PTA Landscapes, was the recipient of the The City of Melbourne Award of Excellence for Best in Show for their work in the exhibit The Loggia, designed by Tract Consultants and constructed by PTA Landscapes. What a fantastic achievement! Read on to see the full article    

In ‘the biggest compliance issue since GST’ small employers (less than 20 employees) need to get on board with the ATO’s Single Touch Payroll system from 1st July 2019 to report employee’s superannuation and tax withholding on a pay by pay basis. Find out what you need to do now….

Starting a Business is an exciting time, but there are so many things to consider it's hard to know where to start. In this Free 30 minute Webinar we examine the processes and pitfalls when Starting Your Own Business....

Bookkeeping may not be everybody’s idea of fun, but it is an essential and unavoidable task in the success of your business. We look at 6 common bookkeeping mistakes and how to avoid them….

Happy New Year!

The staff at BHT Partners wish you every success for 2019. Wherever the road takes you financially this year we’ll be there to support you. Dream big.

And if those dreams include Starting or Buying a Business this year, we’ll help you every step of the way....

Running your own business can be rewarding. You get to follow your passion, choose who you work with and potentially make more money. It sounds irresistible with the flexibility, independence and freedom, however, there is a catch. There are risks but there are also strategies to help reduce those risks…

Ho, Ho, Ho! It’s coming up to the Holiday Season and you might be thinking of throwing an office break up party or providing your staff with Christmas presents. Without being The Grinch, there are Fringe Benefits Tax implications for both of these scenarios that you need to be aware of. 

With Christmas and the holiday season fast approaching, businesses may find their cash flow suffering particularly if current invoices don't get paid until February next year. This can be catastrophic for seasonal businesses so let’s look at some ways to help improve your cash flow.

The Tax Office has deployed what they refer to as "mobile strike teams" to uncover business owners attempting to avoid tax, especially to target the cash economy. With plans to visit some 10,000 small businesses in the 2019 financial year nationwide, this follows on from their earlier successful blitz of cash-centric suburbs like Box Hill. To this end we outline some of the common mistakes the ATO has recently observed.   

One of the most challenging aspects of starting a new business is sourcing finance. Once you know how much funding you require it’s time to explore your finance options and there are 6 sources of funding available.  

Facebook remains every marketer's dream, with access to around 15 million users Australia wide. Advertising on Facebook may provide your business with the opportunity to expand your customer base without costing an arm and a leg.  

Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, recently passed intestate (no Will) leaving a purported estate worth $108 million. A number of claims have already lodged been lodged which highlights the importance of having a Will. Let’s look at the administrative taxation process involved when you’re left to deal with a loved one’s estate.  

The ATO has indicated they are casting a wider net when it comes to claims for home office expenses, work-related expenses and ride-sharing income. Find out what’s under the microscope this financial year.  

As a business owner and employer there are a number of legislative changes that came into effect on July 1, 2018 which you need to be aware of including Single Touch Payroll, the continuation of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Amnesty, increased Minimum Wage Rates as well as changes to Penalty Rates and the Unfair Dismissal Threshold.  

The rate for work-related car expenses has increased for the income year starting 1 July 2018. It is now 68 cents per kilometre.

This applies if you have chosen to use the cents per kilometre method for calculating work-related car expenses and will remain in place until the Commissioner decides it should be varied.

If you are paying your employees a car allowance in excess of 68 cents per kilometre, you need to withhold tax on the amount you pay over 68 cents.

It’s exciting when you have that light bulb moment and you’re hit with an idea for your new business. Before you can open your doors, there are numerous issues to consider and you must navigate your way through a maze of rules, registrations and regulations. One of those importance issues is making sure you carry out the right business registrations.    

Profit is the way we keep score in business. It is achieved through making the right management decisions and it impacts on your business valuation. You simply can't afford to leave any profit on the table.  

The Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison, handed down his third Budget on the evening of Tuesday May 8th. We provide a round-up of the changes that may impact you or your business.     

The end of another financial year is fast approaching. Our 2018 Tax Planning Guide for the end of  the 2017/18 financial year highlights some end of year tax planning opportunities which you may wish to consider before June 30, 2018. 

It’s exciting when you have that light bulb moment and you’re hit with an idea for your new business. Before you can open your doors, there are numerous issues to consider and you must navigate your way through a maze of rules, registrations and regulations. One of those issues is the right business structure.   

All employers need to perform a headcount as at 1 April 2018 to determine when they need to implement the latest ATO digital initiative - Single Touch Payroll. Employers with 20 or more employees will need to start reporting through Single Touch Payroll from 1 July 2018. We provide a checklist for what employers need to be doing right now.   

Can’t I use my superannuation? This is a very common question we get asked and in this post we look at what the government restrictions are on accessing your super and the impact of preservation age.  

According to a recent Telstra survey, only 50% of Australian small businesses have a website. Surely this can't be true! With the same report finding that 62% of customers will stop considering a small business if they can't find information about it online - there can be no doubt that having a website is a fundamental weapon in your marketing arsenal.  

The ATO recently conducted a blitz in specific suburbs around the country (including Box Hill in Melbourne) where it identified a suburb as having 'high cash economy risk behaviours'. Due to its success, the Tax Office will maintain its audit focus on cash-based businesses. Could yours be next?

Franchising is big business in this country and while buying into a franchise can often be promoted as a ‘gold mine’, the reality is, franchises can also fail. Let’s examine some of the most important things you need in place when buying a franchise. 

Cash is King, make no mistake, but managing cash flow remains a constant challenge for today's small business owners. In this article we examine the differences between cash flow and profit and the importance of understanding your numbers to maintain a positive cash flow.   

Cash flow is the life blood of any business. In fact, it can be the difference between success and failure with a lot of business owners walking a tightrope. Let’s briefly examine some of the most common causes of a cash flow crisis.

There has been a fundamental shift in the way consumers make their purchasing decisions. The availability of free, high-quality information online has changed the way consumers buy and Inbound marketing has replaced traditional Outbound marketing methods.   

As a savvy business owner, it’s important to use email marketing. The benefits of Email Marketing almost sound too good to be true – a 4300% ROI for starters! This article will guide you through the first step – how to build your email marketing subscriber list.

Video is no longer an option for businesses looking to grow, it’s essential. These are the video marketing trends that you need to be aware of in 2017 to stay ahead of your competitors.

Over the past five years, claims for uniform and laundry tax deductions have increased. The ATO had sat up and take notice. The ATO AC, Kath Anderson has stated that too many taxpayers’ beliefs around how to claim clothing deductions are wrong. Here, we provide helpful advice and tactics to ensure you're getting your tax deductions right.

You might be surprised to know the range of assets you can actually finance. While cars, trucks and equipment are items commonly financed, it is possible to finance boats, buses, planes, computers, dental chairs and office fit outs.

Australians claimed about $23 billion of work-related expense deductions in 2015/16, however, the ATO believe a significant proportion of this amount is the result of over claiming of expenses.
As a result, the ATO have stated that they will be monitoring higher than expected claims. These are the areas you should brush up on to keep your work related expenses clear.

Your website looks good, but it’s not getting visitors, generating leads and converting to sales.
The primary difference is that the brochure style websites are all about the company, while lead generation websites are all about the customer.
Let’s examine the seven must-have online marketing tools that can help you turn your old website into a lead generation machine.

Uber is looking for more drivers and Airbnb is seeking more hosts, but what are the implications of becoming part of this new 'sharing economy'?

There is clear evidence that business owners continue to struggle to complete their Business Activity Statements (BAS). To help you we have identified three common errors...

Starting a business can be a maze of research, registrations and red tape. No amount of passion can guarantee your business success but the proverb, ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’ serves as both great advice and a warning for new entrepreneurs.

Your website should effectively be your home base on the internet but how does it actually work and what is hosting and domain names?

Over the years, negative gearing has become a specialist service in the firm and for that reason we have identified some common areas where property investors often trip up including claiming interest on loans.

Starting a business can be a mine field and the risks are high which explains why so many budding entrepreneurs look to buy an existing business or franchise operation rather than start from ‘scratch’.

When you're investigating buying a business it's important to do a detailed review of the business's operations, finances, reputation and industry as part of what is called the ‘due diligence’ process.

As accountants, the number one thing our business clients want is advice to help them grow their business. In the digital age we believe the secret to growth is marketing and it could be the difference between boom and gloom for any business.

Every entrepreneur wants to grow their business but there's no simple formula that guarantees success. In this series of posts we are up to the third way to grow your business, how to increase the value of each sale.

Clearly, everyone wants to grow their business. Unfortunately there is no magic potion or silver bullet but we do know there are only four ways to grow a business. In this blog we examine the second method, how to increase the number of times a customer comes back and buys from you.

Franchising is big business in Australia and the perception is, it's a licence to print money. However, recent media reports suggest this may not be the case.

Everyone wants to grow their business, however, there is no 'magic marketing bullet'. Fundamentally there are only four ways to grow a business including, increase the number of customers of the type you want.

I must admit I don’t watch a lot of television but I did enjoy the latest Australian season of Shark Tank where budding entrepreneurs seek funding from a panel of wealthy investors (the sharks). While it’s another form of reality TV the show does provide business owners with some valuable business lessons. In this edition we ask the question, should you swim with sharks?

I must admit I don’t watch a lot of television but I did enjoy the latest Australian season of Shark Tank where budding entrepreneurs seek funding from a panel of wealthy investors (the sharks). While it’s another form of reality TV the show does provide business owners with some valuable business lessons including the importance of knowing your numbers.

I must admit I don’t watch a lot of television but I did enjoy the latest Australian season of Shark Tank where budding entrepreneurs seek funding from a panel of wealthy investors (the sharks). While it’s another form of reality TV the show does provide business owners with some valuable business lessons including the importance of business planning.

We have been inundated with queries regarding the accelerated depreciation write-off for assets up to $20,000 acquired by small businesses since it was announced in the May budget.

Last night the Treasurer Joe Hockey handed down the federal budget and stated, “Our future growth will come from growing small business into big business” There is no doubt that small business was front and centre in this budget that according to the Treasurer, “empowers small business to invest, grow and create jobs.”

At the start of 2013 we noticed about 10% of our website traffic was coming from hand held mobile devices. By late 2013 this figure had jumped to about 15% but in 2015 we find close to 25% of our website visitors are using mobile devices. Why is this important you might ask?

In this blog I’m going to discuss the seven features your website needs to stand out in the crowd. These features have the potential to give your business a serious competitive edge in your industry.

Thinking of Starting a Trades Business?

Thinking of Starting a Trades Business?

In this blog we will going to examine the 4 things every builder, plumber, electrician or tradesman needs to know before they start their own business.

In this blog we are going to look at what you need to know before you select an accounting software program to use in your business. We will then look at specific software programs on the market including MYOB, Xero, Reckon, Saasu and Cashflow Manager.

The types of business registrations you will require will depend on a number of issues including your type of business structure, your anticipated turnover and whether you also intend to employ staff.

In this blog we are going to examine some of the most popular business structures used in Australia. Let me say upfront, it’s almost impossible to recommend a particular type of business structure without an understanding of your business, your industry, your family structure and your personal financial situation.

When it comes to business registrations, a lot of business owners think like Pink Floyd, “All in all it's just another brick in the wall”. However, the right business registrations is a key part of your business foundations and you can’t afford to miss one …

When it comes to insurance, a lot of business owners think like Pink Floyd, “All in all it's just another brick in the wall”. However, your choice of insurance is a key part of your business foundations. For business start-ups, insurance can seem like just another expense in a long line of costs, however …

Marketing and consumer behaviour has changed. You can now buy almost anything online and for most businesses, your website is your silent sales person working 24/7 to generate leads and sales.

In the last few years consumer behaviour has changed. We now buy books, music, electronics, shoes and clothing online. In fact, you can buy almost anything online and people even buy professional services online including accountancy services.

Once you have had that ‘light bulb moment’ and come up with that brilliant idea for your new business you want to get started in a hurry. However, before you make any big financial commitment you want to make sure the concept has ‘legs’. Your choice of business structure is a critical decision ...

Are your networking skills up to speed ?  If not here’s some tips on to maximise your time invested in networking and gain the best results.


The first taxable payments annual report for clients in the building and construction industry are due with the ATO by August 25 if you are lodging through our office. For other businesses who pay contractors for building and construction services in the 2012/2013 financial year the due date of this report was July 21, 2013.

Over the years we have assisted numerous clients looking to start a business. In fact we are recognised as start-up specialists and along the way we have identified some of the key issues that every budding entrepreneur needs to address in the start-up phase. The press sometimes over simplify the issues but it may come as a surprise to learn that they extend way beyond your choice of business structure, accounting software selection and various business registrations. Before you pull the trigger on your business start up consider this ...

Just as evolution in animals dictates that only the fittest survive, in a recession it is generally survival of the smartest.

In this country we seem to have a recession-like economy happening every seven to nine years and almost 75,000 Australian businesses were wiped out in the last downturn. To survive business owners must find a way to plan their way past potential threats including rising interest rates and fuel prices plus declining consumer confidence.